Did you make a New Year’s Resolution?

Having worked with individuals for over 20 years in the area of health behavior change, I have come to appreciate the power of a New Year’s Resolution.

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Just Get Started

According to StatisticBrain.com 45% of us make New Year’s resolutions and of those, self-improvement and weight related goals make up over 75% of the resolutions!   Sticking with those resolutions can be tricky though, with less than half keeping those goals for more than 6 months. From <http://www.statisticbrain.com/new-years-resolution-statistics/

But there is Good News!  There are Steps we can make to improve our success!

Make Resolutions Specific and Measurable!   Rather than just say “lose weight”  Identify some actions you can take to achieve that goal.  For example, track your food intake daily, exercise 30 minutes 4 times a week, plan meals ahead of time.

Tell your friends….maybe….   Research is mixed on if telling others helps us achieve our goals.  If you are going to tell people, make sure it doesn’t keep you from actually following through.   Telling those that will be supportive and hold you to your goals may be the most helpful.

Prepare and Plan…. This step can be quite challenging but it’s so important not to skip.  What needs to happen before you can achieve your goals.   Do you need clean out the cupboard from the holidays? Get to the grocery store with a well thought out list?  Pack work out gear for the week and leave it in your car?   Take time to think through what will help you succeed.

Find Support – Friends and family can be supportive, but at times we may need more.  Looking for professionals and programs who can help you achieve your goals can make the difference.

If you have made your resolution, consider this pointers to stay focuses.   If you didn’t make a resolution, it’s not too late – it never is.

Laura Alderman, M.Ed. Health Coach and Behaviorist.


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