Weight Checks – A Key to Success

Weight Checks & Tanita Print-Outs Through Valley Weight Loss, we always offer free weight checks for our patients; whether you’re in active weight loss, transition or the maintenance phase. The print out you get for your weight checks consists of abreviations (BMI, BMR, Fat %, FM, FFM, TBW) that can be hard to understand. So, what does everything mean? The Tanita scale measures your body composition which can assist health professionals to better understand your health. It can aide in providing an individualized program to achieve optimal health.


Body Mass Index Your BMI is a ratio of height and weight and is used to classify  health risks. The risk levels increase with either too low (under 18.5) or too high (above 29.9) of a number. The goal should be between 18.5-24.9 BMI.  It is important to understand that  the classification of BMI has limitations. It doesn’t asses excess body fat (how much and where it’s stored), muscle mass, age, or ethnicity. It is however, a tool to use in conjuction with other assesments for health professionals.


Basal Metabolic Rate  Basal Metabolic Rate is used to measure how much energy your body needs to maintain resting function. This number is very individualized for everyone; although, there are factors that can increase and decrease this number.  -A higher lean body mass (muscle mass) can increase BMR. -An older age, being female, short and fasting can all decrease BMR. -BMR is about 60-75% of total energy (calories) needed  a day. **** Ask us about our MedGem tool to further asses this number!

Fat % Body Fat Percent

Body fat percentage is a measurement of how much fat your body has proportioned to your total body weight. Your body needs fat for daily function,  it’s the amount that counts! Increased health risks are associated with too high or too low of body fat. Women  naturally require a higher amount than men to reach optimal health.  Desireable Ranges: Women 18-30% Men 15-25%

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