Holiday Eating Tips

The days between Thanksgiving and New Years have traditionally been a challenge when it comes to weight management.  This year, with COVID-19, it may be even more difficult AND the typical ideas on how to minimize weight gain may not be options.   Here are some that you can try:

Snack Wisely
It seems snacks are always more plentiful during the holidays. However, depending on your situation, you may find that there isn’t quite as much of a challenge in this area. If you work outside of your home, try to avoid the breakrooms or other locations that may have treats sitting out.  If you are working from home be careful what you bring into the house, if the snacks and candy don’t make it to your counters in the first place, you won’t be as tempted all day long.

 Watch Your Portion Sizes
Holidays are an easy time to overfill your plate and eat more than you intended.  Controlling portion sizes will minimize overeating. Using a smaller plate is a well-known tactic that is an easy adjustment.  If you don’t have smaller plates, you can mentally use a smaller plate by only filling the inner circle of your plate and leaving the outer “border” empty. Other ideas include avoiding eating out of containers and   whenever possible, measure your food for the appropriate serving size (read the label).

Cut Back on Taste Testing
We tend to spend more time cooking and baking over the holiday.  These hours spent in preparation can allow calories to sneak up on you.  To minimize these “extra samples” make sure you aren’t hungry when you are cooking (have a small healthy snack if you are hungry). Chewing gum (or using teeth whitening strips) and drinking plenty of water can help too.

Don’t Make More Than You Need
Chances are this year you will be celebrating with fewer people.  Remember this when planning your menu.  Consider having fewer sides and sweets.  If you do intend to make all of the special foods, consider cutting recipes in half to reduce leftovers or give the leftovers to guests so they don’t keep tempting you in your home. 

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